POSTED UNDER Peace, Spring

Spring Salad Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Carnation
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Carnation

Spring makes everything sprout new growth. Seeds put out shoots; trees put out new leaves; bulbs put out the first flowers of the season. Of course, you are what you eat. This spell uses spring greens to cultivate personal growth. Decide on a quality you want to improve and a symbol for it, such as a peace symbol for holding onto your temper or a Gebo ( X ) rune for generosity. Prepare a salad with mixed-leaf lettuces and your favorite vegetables or fruits, perhaps including some edible flowers. If you grow your own herbs, they should be greening now, so toss in a few of those new shoots. Pour the salad dressing in the shape of your chosen symbol and say:

Green leaves, new growth,
In self and world both.
This spell's complete:
You are what you eat.

As you eat, concentrate on taking in the quality you desire.

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