Banish Negativity Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Cedar

The soft light of a March evening is the perfect time to perform spells banishing negativity or fear. The sudden jet-black nightfalls of winter have passed; they are replaced now with the lingering, pale light of March evenings. Begin this spell out of doors facing west as the Sun begins to set. If it's windy, even better. Truly look at the fading light of the dusk. What colors do you see? Imagine the colors of the evening sky cleansing any problem you have. Breathe deeply. You should feel your burdens leaving you with each exhalation. They're being harmlessly neutralized by this magical time known as twilight. As the fingers of dusk glide over the horizon and the Sun sinks lower, visualize your problems fading. Now your tensions will feel lighter. Walk silently away and just enjoy the earthy scents of the spring night.
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