Spell for Courage

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Indigo
Incense of the day: Sage

Saint Genevieve used her faith in a higher power to rally Paris when Attila the Hun marched against the city back in AD 451. Who among us doesn't fear something, or many things? To help find the safety within your heart to face your fears, you will need a red candle and three 9-inch lengths of wool yarn, one red (love), one green (security), and one white (spirit). Light the candle and say: "Saint Genevieve, be our beacon and our light in darkness." Focus on the flame and repeat this chant until you feel the mundane world slip from your consciousness. When you feel ready, braid the three lengths of wool together as you say:

I am safe. I am protected.
I am free from fear and danger.

Continue this chant until your braid is finished. Thank Saint Genevieve and let the candle burn itself out. Keep the braid with you whenever you need a dose of courage.

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