POSTED UNDER Moon, Spring, Water

A Star Spell for the New Moon

Color of the day:  Indigo
Incense of the day:  Sage
Color of the day: Indigo
Incense of the day: Sage

Stars are among the most ancient of all spiritual and magical symbols, and they are revered by most major religions. They serve as symbols of hope, trust, beauty and fame. In December, stars take on special significance since they're linked to religious holidays and are a sign of the season. And naturally stars serve as our link to the heavens, as well as our loftiest ambitions. This New Moon begins as the year is about to end. Not only does combining New Moon energy with the star power create awesome possibilities, the stars will also illuminate our path as we enter a new year. For this spell, go all out when you decorate your altar. Cover the altar with a white or silver cloth. Use as many white and silver candles as you wish, and a few small mirrors. At the center of the altar place a clear bowl filled with plain spring water, and your wand or athame. This spell isn't meant for a specific wish; instead you should concentrate on bringing into your life as many new opportunities as possible. If you can, take your wand or athame and go outside. If the night is clear, gaze at the stars as if you see them for the first time. Point your athame or wand towards the sky and draw down the star energy. Return to your altar and gently dip the tip of your athame/wand into the bowl of water. Watch the ripples grow, envisioning your own power growing. When new opportunities begin coming to you, don't be afraid to reach for the stars.

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