POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Protection, AND MORE

Protective Smoothie

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Ginger
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Ginger

For protection with an added antioxidant boost, make yourself a berry smoothie today. In a blender, mix half a cup of milk and four ounces of vanilla yogurt with one cup of frozen blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Throw in a small handful of ice and blend until smooth. As it blends, imagine a protective shield surrounding you, and try this chant to raise some extra energy.

Fruit of blue and
Red and black,
I ask you please
To watch my back.
Berries of the
Earth and Sun,
Bless me until
This day is done.

Drink deeply and feel the blessings of the sacred smoothie filling you, body, mind, and soul.
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About Kristin Madden
Kristin Madden is an author and mother, as well as an environmental chemist and wildlife rehabilitator. She is the Director of Ardantane's School of Shamanic Studies. A Druid and tutor in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, Kristin is also a member of the Druid College of Healing and is on the ...
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