POSTED UNDER Air, Earth, Water

Making Amends Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Balsam
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Balsam

There are times when we know we've hurt another person and need to make it right, but for some reason, we cannot do it in person. Before doing this spell, make sure that there is no possible way to heal the hurt directly with an in-person conversation. Find a yard of colored ribbon appropriate to the person or the issue, and a bowl in which you can burn something safely. In a meditative state, focus your energy and thoughts on the issue and the person. Say what you would if you could be together with that person. When you are finished, place the ribbon on your altar along with the burning bowl. Cast a circle and call in the deities and spirits as you are accustomed. Hold the ribbon in your projective hand and say, "I acknowledge that harm has been done" and, starting with air, cleanse the ribbon with each element.

By the power of air,
Clear hurt away,
By the power of fire,
Burn hurt away,
By the power of water,
Wash hurt away,
By the power of earth, Cleanse hurt away.

Place the ribbon in the bowl and burn it until it is ashes. Close your circle, thanking the spirits present. Put the ashes in running water so that the energy is dispersed.
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