POSTED UNDER Money, Moon, Prosperity, AND MORE

Turquoise Wealth Charm

Color of the day:  Topaz
Incense of the day:  Bay laurel
Color of the day: Topaz
Incense of the day: Bay laurel

Many cultures have valued turquoise for its beauty and its properties of protection and attracting wealth. It can be used in several ways to draw prosperity into your life. Perform this rite a few days after the New Moon, when the crescent is visible in the sky. Avoid looking at the Moon until the proper time. Hold a piece of turquoise in your hand. Visualize your magical need-money-manifesting in your life. Move outside and gaze upon the Moon. Then directly shift your gaze to the turquoise. With that action, the spell has begun. Carry the stone with you until the money arrives.
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