Crystal Clearing

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Lavender

Crystals are another precious gift of Mother Earth. It is not necessary to have a new crystal for every purpose or working. Crystals can be reprogrammed to new uses with just a bit of forethought and planning. When a particular working for which you have charged a crystal is completed, under a waning Moon, collect up the crystals no longer in use and thank them for their energy in your working. Clear them by first smudging them with sage and cedar smoke and then cleansing them in a salt water bath followed by a good rinsing in clear, running water. Place the cleared crystals in a windowsill where they can receive light from the Moon as she passes through her cycle. After a full Moon cycle, the crystals are once more ready to be charged with a new purpose and a new working.
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