Home Energy Ritual

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Thyme
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Thyme

This Full Moon falls upon the birthday of the Egyptian goddess Nephthys, she who is mistress of the house, making this an excellent time for some magical housework. Spend time today focused on your home's energy. Slowly go through the rooms, seeing them with the eyes of a new visitor. Think about changes you would make to refresh the rooms and create a better flow of energy. As you go through the house, gather twenty-five items that have not been used for some time and are simply taking up space. Box up these items for donation to a charity, focusing on the idea of them bringing joy to someone else's life. By doing so, you have released blockage from clutter in your home and freed up the energy once more. Mix up an incense of equal parts dragon's blood resin, benzoin, and lavender blossoms; grind well in a mortar. Burn on a charcoal and waft the incense smoke through the house.

Smoke of earth
And fire and air,
Clear my home
And make it fair.
Drive away
All harm and fear,
Only good
May dwell in here.
Lady Nephthys,
Bless my house,
Keep it free from
Bug or mouse.
Be welcome here,
Creatures of light,
While those unwelcome
Will feel thy might.
Protect me and mine
As we dwell within,
And keep us safe
As we journey about.
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