POSTED UNDER Blessing, Earth, Moon

Charm for Beauty

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Neroli
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Neroli

Today's waning Moon in Aquarius is a perfect day for this beauty spell. The waning Moon, visible in the early hours of the morning, will help you let go of negative attitudes you have about your appearance. Choose a safe place outdoors where you can perform this spell. Prepare a vial of three drops of ylang-ylang mixed with almond or vegetable oil. In the pre-dawn hours, go to your safe place and invoke the goddess Flora. Ask her for the blessings of beauty and pleasure. Dip your fingertip in the vial and trace a flower on your forehead. Say: "The earth awakens to a new day, so my body." Repeat this, drawing an oil-soaked finger on every part of your body that you formerly felt badly about. Pour the remaining oil onto the ground, visualizing your old feelings about yourself sinking into the earth.
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