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Spell for Undoing Falsehoods

Color of the day:  Maroon
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: Maroon
Incense of the day: Basil

Feeling like you have been unjustly accused of something you did not do? Have you had the finger pointed at you by coworkers or friends? Call upon Rhiannon to work in your defense. You will need stones, horsehair (or picture of a horse), bird feathers, a white candle, and a cauldron. Outside your home or in a special place, make a stone circle. Gather together the horsehair (or picture) and some bird feathers and place these inside the stone circle. Light the candle. Say:

Rhiannon, thou who was falsely accused. Rhiannon, share with me thy strength. To stand firm in the face of injustice. To let the truth be known.

Move the stones and enter the circle. Place the horsehair and feathers in the cauldron and light them. As they burn, visualize yourself accepting apologies from those who accused you. When the ashes have cooled they can be carried as a talisman in a bag.
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