Goddess of the Last-Minute Shoppers

Color of the day:  Crimson
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: Crimson
Incense of the day: Cedar

If you are still shopping, chances are you do this every year-and it's hard to find anything so close to the holidays. Call upon Sadie, Goddess and Queen of the Bargain Shoppers, to help you search for the perfect gift at the ideal price. She can be found in any department store. She is that lady you see only from the back, both hands filled with shopping bags from every store in town. Only a secret goddess like Sadie could stand up to the last-minute shopping crush and find the bargains and the-last-one-of-its-kind, just-the-right-size-and-color, got-to-have-this-toy items. Follow her as she leads you to the best bargain racks, helping you find exactly the right gift for that special person.
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