Get the Job Done Spell Bags

Color of the day:  Gold
Incense of the day:  Lilac
Color of the day: Gold
Incense of the day: Lilac

Jobs that need to be done sometimes have a way of getting pushed to another time-or maybe there are so many of them you can't figure out where to start. Make a list with the most important things first. Place the list in a spell bag with the following items: quartz crystal for clear thinking, rosemary for remembrance, carnelian to stimulate focus and initiative, and mint for stimulation and energy. Cross each completed job off and return the list to the bag and your pocket. When energy runs low, the smell of the bag should stimulate you, or a brief rest and contemplation of the stones will keep you focused on what remains to be done. Before you know it, that list of jobs will be history.
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