Thunderstorm Meditation

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Nutmeg
This is the month of thunderstorms in many areas, and the energy of these storms can be sudden and powerful. The ancient Celts worshipped a god called Taranis, "The Thunderer" (much as the name of the Norse God Thor was also associated with thunder). And in some areas of Scotland a folk prayer was made to a powerful deity called "The Voice of Thunder." Thunder is the manifest sound of the potent energies of lightning-fire, light, and movement-and is considered in many traditions to be the actual voice of a deity or deified natural element. The next time you are in the presence of this powerful entity, open yourself to the voice or message inherent in this sacred sound; let yourself begin to understand "the voice of thunder," the primal speech of this ancient god.
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