POSTED UNDER Snow, Spring, Winter

Daylight Ritual

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Peony
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Peony

By this time of the winter you may be experiencing "winter blues" from dreary days, too much snow, or being cooped up in your house too long. Chase the blues away by making the house springlike. Get "daylight" bulbs and replace your standard bulbs. Fresh flowers or even artificial ones can add a springlike feeling. Floral scents such as lavender or lilac will make the house smell like spring. Wash curtains, bed linens, and towels with a fabric softener that has that "spring fresh" scent. Add a new picture that brings spring to mind, or paint one. Maybe add some new, brighter colors around the house to help lift the winter doldrums. Change your surroundings: add color and brightness and scent to bring those "winter blues" under control.
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