POSTED UNDER Rain, Spring, Water

Celtic Elemental Scrying

Color of the day:  Ivory
Incense of the day:  Rose
Color of the day: Ivory
Incense of the day: Rose

As we move frome a time of light and action into a time of darkness and contemplation, now is a great time to perform the centuries old art of scrying. Since tomorrow marks the Celtic New Year, this technique pays homage by drawing up the elements sacred to the Druids: fire and water. This is best performed in a darkened room where you are comfortable. Fill a black or dark blue ceramic bowl with spring or rain water. Nearby, so that its flame is reflected within the bowl, place a lighted candle. Relax your body and allow your mind to "zone out" while gazing into the water. Have a pad of paper and a pen nearby for you to write notes after you've received your impressions from the flame's reflection in the water. Give yourself a moment or two to ground and reconnect before going on to other things.
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