Eyes of Love Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Almond
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Almond

To turn the eyes of love of a mate who is looking at others or cheating on you, find a picture of the person who has caught your loved one's attention. Or, if this is impossible, write the name on a piece of flower-shaped paper. Place the photo or paper in a shallow bowl and stir it clockwise, saying:

Gather you flowers while you may.
Time brings only sorrow.
For the flowers of the day,
Will just be weeds tomorrow.

Place the paper or picture in with your compost or weed pile. Soon your partner's fascination with this new bloom will end, and its true rotten nature will be revealed. This day marks the festival of Eostre, a Teutonic lunar and fertility goddess. Her totem symbols were the hare and eggs. Hard-boil two eggs and then color them red. Eat them with someone you wish to associate with.
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