Color of the day: Coral Incense of the day: Nutmeg Incense of the day: Nutmeg As we work in a business, we interact with many different types of people and we may find relationships strained. There can be many reasons, ranging from personal issues to business issues. Stress can be caused by overwork, poor business, irritating customers, product failures, or a combination of many issues. A piece of sodalite that you charge and carry in your pocket will serve as a reminder that we all can get stressed out from time to time, for whatever reason. Keep it in your pocket, and the stone is always there to remind you. Charge the stone occasionally by rubbing some calming lavender oil on the stone and place it in the moonlight, as a reminder that this is a reflection piece. The stone should cause you to pause, take a moment to calm down, and reflect on how we affect others with our moods, just as others affect us. |