POSTED UNDER Charm, Cure, Love

Cranberry Garland Love Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Ginger
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Ginger

To create an enduring love between you and your mate, perform this "crafty" spell. First, light two red candles. Between them place a bowl of cranberries, about seven feet of strong thread, a sewing needle, and a few drops of sweet red wine in a small glass. Also have a plain pine wreath on hand. Anoint the thread with the wine as you say: "Wine, crimson red. Red as love, bless this thread." Thread the needle, knot one end and begin stringing the cranberries. As you add each berry, think of your love growing stronger. Add berries until you have about a foot of thread left, then securely knot the end several times. Decoratively wrap the garland around the wreath as you speak this charm:

Like the wreath, always round,
We are also bound.
And like the magical evergreen
Our enduring love has no end.
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