POSTED UNDER Cat, Moon, Prosperity, AND MORE

Mother’s Ocean Bounty Spell

Color of the day:  Rose
Incense of the day:  Evergreen
Color of the day: Rose
Incense of the day: Evergreen

The ocean seems infinite. Wave upon wave washes upon its shore, bringing offerings of her vast bounty in the form of shells. Call upon the vastness of the ocean for extra prosperity. You will need a decorative glass jar, some shells and sand, and some ocean water. Fill the bottom of the jar with about an inch of sand. Begin filling the jar the rest of the way to the top with the shells while chanting the following:

Mother, Mother,
hear my plea.
Send to me

Finish with "This is my will, so mote it be" as you gently pour the water into the jar. Seal the jar and set it where it can catch the Moon's light. Place it in a spot on your desk or near where you pay bills. One night a month set the jar in the light of the waxing Moon.
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