Vestalia Day Spell

Color of the day:  Silver
Incense of the day:  Lavender
Color of the day: Silver
Incense of the day: Lavender

Vestalia honors the Roman goddess of hearth and home, Vesta. This is a day for beautifying, purifying, and purging what is old and dead from the home. Sweep your floors with a besom whose bristles have been dipped into spring water laced with lavender. Gather debris, remove large articles, and clean up any dirt and dust. Deposit this dirt in the nearest body of running water. If none is available, flush it down the toilet. Place fresh violets on your altar. Put whole-grain muffins or mini-loaves of bread on the altar along with a shot glass of the lavender water. Light a white candle and recite:

Vesta, sweet keeper of hearth and home,
I honor your spirit on Vestalia Day.
May your warmth forever stay.
Bless this home,
Dear Vesta, I pray.
Keep it safe
by night and by day.
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