POSTED UNDER Cure, Earth, Garden, AND MORE

Protect Your Garden Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Evergreen
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Evergreen

During the month of May in colonial America, farmers would bless their land and pray for a good harvest. Revive this tradition by performing this spell to protect your garden.

On a May eve,
As the Sun forgets the
light of day,
Fill an earthen vessel
made of clay
With soil from your
sacred ground,
Then add a pinch of
Spicy and brown,
And a bit of clove to
Let this be witnessed by
Mother Earth and
Father Sky,
Stir it all with a nail
aged with rust,
Blend these elements
until they're reduced
to dust.

Sprinkle this about each
bed and border,
As you announce your
magical order:
No beast nor fowl from
sky or land
Shall bring harm to this
Which I protect by my
own hand.
To secure your garden's
protection and fate,
Bury the rusty nail near
your garden gate.
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