The Legend of Dogwood Winter

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Maple
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Maple

The rural people of Appalachia are keen observers of nature and weather. Over the years they've
accumulated a wealth of knowledge concerning seasonal weather lore. One of these legends concerns a natural phenomenon that occurs each spring known as "dogwood winter." In April, the Appalachian landscape is starred white by the blossoms of the dogwood tree. But during this blooming, there is always a cold spell, which brings a dramatic drop in temperature and an occasional snow flurry. This became known to the old-timers as dogwood winter, and I've observed it too, occurring almost every year without fail. Farmers and gardeners expect it and curtail planting until warmer weather returns. See if you can learn more about the weather lore in your area. It's not only fun, but it will help you understand the cycles of nature, and this can enhance your magic.
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