Easter Resurrection Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Basil
Color of the day: Orange
Incense of the day: Basil

Many of us have hypnotically regressed into a past life at one time or another. Some of us had file folders stuffed with these tidbits of a forgotten past. While there are many ideas about where these memories come from, we can't deny that they happen and help us change our lives, explain behaviors, or explain why a strange place is familiar. In the end, we can't deny that time is omnipresent and surrounds all of us. This means the past, present, and future are all being lived simultaneously. The question is, though, why do some people refuse to consider that it is possible to send our consciousness to another place and time? If we accept the subtle truth of omnipresent time, we can do hypnotic progression to see what our future lives will bring. These are the currents a psychic taps into when she or he has an image come to her or him. Start your progressing experience by inducing dreams of the future. To do this you will need to make a small, round pillow (about two inches around), and fill it with a mixture of some or all of the following: mugwort, sage, chicory, jasmine, or rosemary. Before you go to bed at night, place this pillow under your own and say:

If far-back memories
can come to me,
It means the future I
can also see.
Wheel of time, where
there is no time,
Open my eyes to a future
of mine.
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Link to this spell: http://www.llewellyn.com/spell.php?spell_id=2036