POSTED UNDER Blessing, Protection, Water

Transportation Blessing

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Pine

Today is the traditional feast day of Saint Frances of Rome, the patron saint of motorists. This is the day when Romans have their cars blessed. To take advantage of unique travel and transportation energies today, prepare a protective water to anoint and bless your transportation. To do this, take a shallow dish of water and crumble white sage and rosemary into it. Stir the mixture clockwise six times. Starting at the tires of your vehicle, sprinkle water on them, and say: "I bless these tires and ask that they stay safely on the road." Continue working in a clockwise direction. Move to the doors, bless them, and ask they stay strong. Go through each part of the car body in this manner. You may incorporate symbols if you like to add more protection to the blessing.
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