POSTED UNDER Earth, Kitchen, Love, AND MORE

A Basic Kitchen Blessing

Color of the day:  Brown
Incense of the day:  Eucalyptus
Color of the day: Brown
Incense of the day: Eucalyptus

An ancient Rome, Consus, the god of the stored–up harvest, was honored on this day. This ancient idea of setting aside the harvest lives on in rural America, where the "blizzard pantry" is taken quite seriously. Jams, jellies, and canned vegetables are "put by" for winter use. Extra necessities are also stockpiled in case of severe weather. As the Earth rests now, take just a moment to bless your own kitchen. With a drop of olive oil, trace a holy symbol such as a cross, on a cupboard or pantry door. Here and there drop some whole cloves on the shelves. Cloves purify, and they also deter ants. Then, take time to donate to a food bank. Also, stock up on pet food and bird seed.
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