POSTED UNDER Healing, Moon, Prayer, AND MORE

Transform-Emotions-into-Physical-Movement Spell

Color of the day:  Purple
Incense of the day:  Ginger
Color of the day: Purple
Incense of the day: Ginger

In this watery Scorpio Moon, now is a good time to make connections to the water element as it appears in the natural world. If you can, go to the nearest body of natural water. This may be a stream, a river, a waterfall, or the ocean. Take time to observe the rhythm and energy of the water in its natural setting. See how the energy of the water affects your body and emotions. In this place, make a prayer such as:

Healing waters,
I honor your precious gifts.
Teach me to understand my own flow and my depths.
Then sit and meditate, and allow messages to come to you.
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