Organizing Your Space Spell

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Cedar
Color of the day: White
Incense of the day: Cedar

Whether you work at home or just have a small office area at home, it is wise to periodically clear your home workspace and organize. Clutter jumbles the mind and spirit, as well the physical space we inhabit. Weed through old mail, catalogs, and papers, and toss what you no longer need into a bag for recycling. Search your space with a keen eye, and remove anything that doesn't have a purpose. Dust and clean with intention. Choose three items that nurture your tri-part self: body, mind, and spirit. Perhaps a goddess statue (of Athena or another figure), some peppermint aromatherapy oil (for mental clarity), and a relaxing music CD. Afterward, say:

I invite peace and calm into my space and into my life.
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