Make Insecurity Fly Away Spell

Color of the day:  Yellow
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Yellow
Incense of the day: Pine

Want to rid your life of insecurity and depression? Find a white candle. Get chimes or locate Tibetan tingsha cymbals. Tingshas are powerful magical aids that chase away depression and other plagues. Walk outside under the Moon. Light your candle. Put it in a safe spot behind you. Place the cymbals at your feet. Face the Moon. Raise your arms. With a circling hand-motion, imagine pulling the Moon toward you. Chant:

Powers under the Moon, I release insecurity.
I send you back where you belong,
you have no place in my life.

Ring your cymbals. Let the sounds reverberate throughout your force field. You should feel better immediately. Repeat the spell as needed.
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