POSTED UNDER Blessing, Cure, Peace

A Protection Amulet Spell

Color of the day:  Black
Incense of the day:  Pine
Color of the day: Black
Incense of the day: Pine

For this spell, you will need: a smudge or purifying incense, a circle of red or black cloth; a red, black, or white string; some mugwort, rosemary, or sage. Start by smudging yourself, your cloth, and your string. Ask the herbs to work together to bring you security and peace. Place the herbs in the center of the cloth circle, and tie it securely with the string. Ask for the blessings of the god and goddess on this amulet. Ask that only beneficial energies enter your space while you are in the presence of this amulet, and feel the charge of your requests. Thank the spirits of the sacred herbs for their assistance, and wear your amulet with confidence.
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