Beauty and Magnetism Spell

Color of the day:  Gray
Incense of the day:  Patchouli
Color of the day: Gray
Incense of the day: Patchouli

When invited to a date, party, or social gathering which you feel shy about attending, use this spell to boost your confidence and charge your aura with magnetism. Stand a mirror on a table with
your face reflected in full view. (Alternatively prop a full-length mirror against the wall, and stand in front of that.) Gently spray some rosemary infusion all over your hair, face, and body. For a bit of additional zing, add two drops neroli oil to the infusion. Groom and dress yourself before the mirror while saying:

Mirror, mirror,
I shall stand tall.
I will today and tonight
be the fairest of them all.

Spray on your favorite perfume and complete all the finishing touches to makeup before adorning yourself with jewelry. Then go out and have a ball.
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