Pallas Athena Wisdom Spell

Color of the day:  Violet
Incense of the day:  Carnation

The Romans dedicated this day to Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom and intellect. Honor her by wearing colors such as blue and white, or by playing games of wit and strategy. One of her most famous symbols is the owl. If you don't have an image of Athena herself, you can substitute an owl. Light blue candles on your altar, and welcome her with words such as these:

Gray-eyed goddess,
Banish doubt and
Bring to me the
illumination of your
Let me move silently
And see clearly,
As your sacred owls.
Athena, bless me so!

By calling on this goddess, you also ally yourself with strong and intelligent women everywhere. This is true whether you are a man or a woman.

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