Night Sky Magic

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Musk

As we look into the night sky in North America in the early evening at this time of year, we can see a triangle of three bright stars located at the top of the dome of the sky. These are called Deneb, Altair, and Vega-together the Summer Triangle. Deneb is the one closest to the center of the sky. It is a bright star at the head of a cross formed of six stars. The cross is Cygnus the swan, and Cygnus' head is facing the other way, making Deneb the tail (this is what Deneb means in Arabic). At the southwest point of the triangle is Altair, which forms the head of the eagle Aquila. At the northwest is the brightest of the three, Vega, which forms the corner of the constellation Lyra, the lyre. The oldest mystery religion in the West is the Orphic Mystery. Orpheus, its mythical founder, was a fabulous musician who could charm humans, animals, trees, and rocks with his songs. He played a seven-stringed lyre called a kithara. It had one string for each of the seven planets, and it could capture the "music of the spheres." The songs Orpheus played had prophetic and healing power. When his wife, Eurydice, died, he used the persuasive power of his lyre to win permission for Eurydice to leave the underworld, but he lost her again because, contrary to the admonitions of Hades, he looked back at her before she emerged into the sunlight. The only time he failed to conquer with his music is when he tried to tame the maenads of Dionysus. They tore him to pieces, and afterward Orpheus's lyre became the constellation Lyra. Through the centuries, Lyra has maintained its magical powers, and it waits in the sky to play for those who can truly listen.

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