Mother Goose Remembrance Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Coriander

Today is the anniversary of the death in 1703 of Charles Perrault, the man who wrote the Mother Goose stories. Celebrate this day by gathering a storytelling circle that brings a group together with the magic of laughter. To start the gathering, sit in a circle. One person takes a sip from a cup of water or wine, and says:

One day on the way home from (insert a place), I spied a (insert an animal) doing (insert a verb).

The person then passes the cup to the next person in the circle. That person takes a sip and continues the story. Each person adds one line after taking a sip, with the intention of making the story as extremely unbelievable as possible. Keep going around the circle, until the story is finished or everyone is laughing too hard to keep going.

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