POSTED UNDER Beltane, Love, Moon

Seeking May Love Spell

Color of the day:  Orange
Incense of the day:  Rose

So, you didn't find the love of your dreams at the Beltane ritual. With the Moon waxing in Taurus, however, and on a Friday yet, this is an excellent time for a love spell. Be careful, though, since Mercury is retrograde now, and this means you must plan carefully and not expect immediate results. This love spell is very simple, but takes preparation. Spend some time thinking about what you seek in a mate, and write down a list of qualities in two columns-one of what you want in another person, and another column of what you have to offer. Cast a circle, light two candles to light your love's way to you. Recite the list of qualities, alternating the two columns, moving the two candles closer as you speak. End by blowing out the candles.

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