A Violet Love Charm

Color of the day:  White
Incense of the day:  Nutmeg

Violets are symbols of loyalty, and in April they are plentiful. They carpet our lawns like a blue mist. You can use them in spells to keep your mate faithful. No doubt the Wise Ones who once walked the hills of Appalachia where I now live gathered violets on the edge of the woodland to use in spells such as this:

To ensure your love remains true;
Pick six violets, all must be blue.
Put them in water that you have blessed;
Place them where your lover's head shall rest.
After you do these things, take three ribbons-pink, yellow, and white-and wait until the darkness of night. Tie them around the branch of a tree, and say:
We are now bound,
So mote it be.

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