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Scottish Witchcraft

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A Complete Guide to Authentic Folklore, Spells, and Magickal Tools

Hear the Call of the Highlands for Powerful Magick, Healing, and Divination

Take a journey through the magickal folk traditions of Scotland. Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, a Scottish hereditary witch, shares her own spiritual awakening into the craft and shows you how to integrate these practices into your own life. Discover the secrets of divination, scrying, faery magick, and communication with ancestors. Explore herb and . . .

Hear the Call of the Highlands for Powerful Magick, Healing, and Divination

Take a journey through the magickal folk traditions of Scotland. Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, a Scottish hereditary witch, shares her own spiritual awakening into the craft and shows you how to integrate these practices into your own life. Discover the secrets of divination, scrying, faery magick, and communication with ancestors. Explore herb and plant lore and specific rituals to address what you most desire. Filled with inspiring anecdotes, craft history, and step-by-step instructions, this book will help you begin a new chapter of spiritual discovery.

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"Deeply personal and immersed in myth and folklore, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free's book draws from the old and the new in a manner that will resonate with the modern Witch today. She shares the pages of Nature's book from her homeland with us. Scottish Witchcraft as lived by a Scottish Witch. Makes me long to visit this land and seek its magic."—Christopher Penczak, author of The Temple of Witchcraft and The Feast of the . . .

"Deeply personal and immersed in myth and folklore, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free's book draws from the old and the new in a manner that will resonate with the modern Witch today. She shares the pages of Nature's book from her homeland with us. Scottish Witchcraft as lived by a Scottish Witch. Makes me long to visit this land and seek its magic."—Christopher Penczak, author of The Temple of Witchcraft and The Feast of the Morrighan

"The mystery and intricacies of Scottish Witchcraft have remained somewhat of an enigma, having only ever been an oral tradition, up until now. In this book, Barbara masterfully and authentically weaves together the traditions of Scottish Witch-lore, along with her personal story of growing up in the Highlands as a genuine Scottish Witch. Journey betwixt and between the worlds, as the Highland Seer reveals the hidden magick of the Old Ways."—Flavia Kate Peters, author of Witches Wisdom and the Dark Goddess Oracle Deck

"A fascinating subject, and one close to my own heart, explored by a brilliant author. Barbara not only shares her in-depth knowledge but also her own personal life experiences. And it is by using these experiences that she guides the reader through a very comprehensive book. I encourage you to take this journey with the Highland Seer, it will be a pathway of discovery."—Rachel Patterson, creator of the Flower Magic Oracle Cards

"Barbara Meiklejohn-Free is a Scottish witch, born and bred in the Highlands, and this book explores her own personal journey of discovery in the Craft alongside her training under the guidance of Swein MacDonald, the famous Highland Seer. It draws on the history, myth and folklore of Scotland and incorporates them into Craft practice, with exercises and rituals, tips and advice to help the reader explore their own path."—Anna Franklin, author of The Hearth Witch's Compendium and The Sacred Circle Tarot

"I really enjoyed the author's descriptions of how to access natural magic and her accounts of forays into the Scottish countryside. Within these pages you will find Scottish lore and practice and an illustration of the path of natural magic. A path that can be undertaken anywhere by those who earnestly seek it."—Ellen Evert Hopman, author of Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore

"Barbara Meiklejohn-Free has done modern witches a great service with this lovely new book on Scottish magical practice. Her writing is fresh and very readable and she deftly covers the fascinating material. A great addition to any library."—H. Byron Ballard, author of Earth Works: Ceremonies in Tower Time

"I read Scottish Witchcraft with fascination. This book shows a joyous, yet deeply personal, discovery of the strength and power of Scottish Witchcraft. It takes the reader through a compelling history that begins to make this previously hidden realm open to every seeker."—Kate West, author of The Real Witches' Craft

ISBN-13: 9780738760933
Imprint: Llewellyn
Pub Date: November 2019
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 288 pages
Size: 5.28 x 8.00 x 0.59 IN
Weight: 0.65 lbs
Case Quantity: 44

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