Based on the groundbreaking Santa Muerte Tarot, this oracle is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and La Santa Muerte. Featuring masterful artwork by Fabio Listrani, each card offers inspiring wisdom and helps answer every question you ask.
The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
ISBN-13: | 9780738759906 |
Imprint: | Llewellyn |
Pub Date: | September 2018 |
Product Type: | Boxed Deck - Large |
Page Count: | 128 pages |
Card Count: | 32 cards |
Size: | 4.00 x 5.25 x 1.28 IN |
Weight: | 0.60 lbs |
Case Quantity: | 48 |
Partner: | Lo Scarabeo |