Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Eight

1.  Number Symbolism in Tarot: Eights represent infinity, because it resembles the lemniscate, the sideways symbol of infinity. There are also eight points on the wheel of the year. To Christians, eight is a symbol of baptism and spiritual rebirth; many baptisteries and baptismal fonts have eight sides. Eight also represents the eternal spiral of regeneration.
SOURCE:  Tarot for Writers, by Corrine Kenner

2.  On the Kabalistic Tree of Life, eight is the number of Hod, the lowest sephirah on the left-hand pillar, the third from the top of that pillar. Hod, and therefore eight, is considered by some to be the most "unbalanced" of the Sephiroth. However, being unbalanced can be a good thing as you eventually have to move. Many consider that to be far better than being stuck in an undesired place in your life.