Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Daughter Coven


Under certain circumstances, members of a coven may wish to form another coven. This second coven is considered a daughter coven. Usually the day-to-day workings of the daughter coven are independent of the mother coven, but the mother coven has ultimate authority.

There are several reasons for having a daughter coven. It may be that space limitations of the mother coven’s covenstead make this a necessity. It may be that there are personality differences. It may be that a couple has achieved High Priest and High Priestess rank and wishes to form their own group. Initiation into a daughter coven is the same as initiation into the parent coven. Sometimes, parent and daughter covens will have rituals together on the major Sabbats. The High Priestess of the mother coven is known as a Witch Queen. She will usually wear a symbol of her authority over a daughter coven, often in the form of a garter, ring, or belt.