Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Angelic Hosts

1.  Literally, a group or "host" of angels.
2.  A Theosophical term described by Geoffrey Hodson in The Kingdom of the Gods (1953, Theosophical Pub. House, Madras, India) by saying they: “. . . may be regarded as the active, creative intelligences and form-builders of all objective creation. They are manifestations of the One, the Three, the Seven and all products thereof. From dawn to eve of Creative Day, they are ceaselessly in action as directors, rectors, designers, artists, producers and builders, ever subservient to and expressive of the One Will, the One Substance and One Thought. “In the exoteric aspects of the ancient Faiths, these Beings, as also the underlying principles, the laws, the processes and the modes of manifestation of the creative force are personified, named and given traditional forms. Esoterically, however, these personifications were in no sense regarded as realities but rather as thought forms and symbols of major creative Powers and Beings. These symbols were partly invented by the Initiated Teachers of earlier peoples as aids to the masses for whom abstractions could possess no reality. Generations of worship gave to them durable concrete shapes in the mental world which served as links between the human mind and the realities which the symbols represented. These symbolic figures also served as channels through which the true Intelligences could be invoked and pour down Their beneficent influence, enlightening truths and occult forces for the helping of mankind." “. . . in their real existence, the Gods who were once so near to men were none other than the Angelic Hosts, that throughout the great racial darkness they still have been near, though unperceived, and that time approaches when again the Major Creative Powers and Beings, the laws by which the Cosmos emerges from chaos and the place of humanity in the vast process of divine manifestation will become apparent to mankind.”