Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Term: Scorpio

1.  The best quality of Scorpio is resourcefulness. The worst quality is the ability to cause trouble. A key phrase is “I desire.” Intensity is the principal personality trait of Scorpio. Whatever career or vocational interests you pursue, you do it with tremendous force. The strength of desire is seen in every serious effort a Scorpio makes. You are proud, and can become the nemesis of anyone who insults you.

The Scorpio mental process is meditative. You can take a set of data and ponder it, penetrating the surface evidence to find the deeper meaning. You can cope with difficult and disagreeable tasks because you understand that such tasks will eventually be completed and you will return to the center of your life’s current none the worse for the effort, and perhaps stronger for the experience of surviving under pressure.

Secretive and intense, Scorpio’s temperament is sometimes difficult to tolerate. These very qualities, however, are part of the magnetism that draws people to you. The intensity can be expressed through healing or destructive energy, and only the Scorpio can determine which way you will go. Probably no sign indicates a stronger will. Personal experience teaches the Scorpio how to direct that will.

Scorpios often are rather reserved. You are unyielding to the sorts of pressure that work well with other signs, and often do well in careers where independent action is encouraged. Your ability to focus on a single task and put all your energy into it is often seem as skillful. You are often respected for your determination, but perhaps not loved, as you are not manipulators of gentle energies.

No one can exert the pressure that Scorpio can. You make devoted friends who will tell the truth boldly. When you lie, the lies are equally bold, and it may not be possible to tell the difference. The trained Scorpio mind seldom has to resort to a lie, as the truth is seen as a much stronger weapon. Desire lies at the root of all Scorpio action.
SOURCE:  What Astrology Can Do for You, Stephanie Clement
2.  The Catalyst
Key Phrase: I CREATE

Scorpio is passionate. As the Fixed Water sign of the zodiac, it illustrates the qualities of strong and abiding attachment. Ruled by Pluto, Scorpio serves to bring healing and transformation. Despite an often cool, calm exterior, it senses everything and misses nothing. Symbolized by the Scorpion and Eagle, Scorpio represents powers of destruction and regeneration. Scorpio is erotic, sensual, and incisive, but can be an extremist and unrelentingly vengeful. Scorpio explores and investigates until the core is exposed, often displaying exceptional research abilities. But there can also be an obsessive quality with Scorpio, and repressing emotions or holding onto pain are difficulties that can arise with this sign. Yet Scorpio has direct access to the energy necessary for birth and rejuvenation. Where you find Scorpio in your chart, there is intensity and strong feeling.
SOURCE:  The Truth About Astrology, Gloria Star
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