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Term: Leo

1.  The best quality of Leo is kindness. The worst quality is domination. A key phrase is "I lead." The Leo personality is strong, even majestic. Leo wants to be dignified in every situation, and also may want to dominate. Stability is a pronounced trait. The Leo mental process tends toward large ideas. Leo is determined to rise to a position of authority and despises petty tasks. The desire for personal glory sometimes leads Leo’s reach to exceed the grasp in the pursuit of honors or high office. The individual will is generally focused, and cannot be easily swayed.

The passionate temperament of Leos makes you exciting to be around. You can be entertaining, as you seek the limelight, if not the love of the audience. You act from emotion or intuition, and may fail to consider the price of your actions. Impulsive and daring, you make good leaders, determined to win. You can also be willful, holding your own position in spite of the wisdom of the alternative.

The Leo disposition is sympathetic and warm-hearted for the most part. In leadership situations these qualities may manifest in the fact that you do not demand the impossible of others – that you reserve for yourself. Once committed Leos are faithful and trust in others. You are not very good at taking orders.

Leos are fair opponents. You recognize a good challenge and bring courage and nobility to the battle. You can be persistent in the pursuit of your goals, and thus provide leadership in difficult situations where others might quit. Like the lion, Leos wish to dominate your surroundings, but are willing to bask in the sun in a dignified manner. Once you have made a decision, you are outspoken in your expression of your position. You can be overbearing when you determine to get your own way. It is better to seek your agreement than to try to force you to accept someone else’s views.
SOURCE:  What Astrology Can Do for You, Stephanie Clement
2.  The Loyalist
Key Phrase: I WILL

The regal sign of the zodiac, Leo certainly knows how to claim the center of attention! Operating as the Fixed Fire sign, this is the quality of determined inspiration which develops a sense of loyalty, pride, and steadfast honor. But Leo can also be ego-centered, and in its more negative forms of expression shows arrogance and pomposity. Leo may be most comfortable at play, where the ego can relax and creative energy run free. There is magnetism associated with Leo, and a flair for the dramatic. Leo is as difficult to ignore as the Sun (which it is ruled by), and can be domineering, controlling, and dictatorial. But when expressing its more positive dynamics, Leo’s warmth and generosity are unmatched. Where Leo resides in your chart, there is a need for attention and an ability to show high levels of creativity.
SOURCE:  The Truth About Astrology, Gloria Star
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