Online Reference For Body, Mind & Spirit

Next Step

Advancement, growth, development, expansion all come about when we are willing to take the “next step” out of self-imposed and societal limitations. Whether we are concerned with astral projection, aura reading, psychic development, or advancements in career, education, innovations in science and technology, we have to jump over the fence, get out of the rut, breakthrough the walls. Evolution results from the series of next steps that societies and individuals have taken and will take – for evolution is not just the past but even more the future. Without growth, without evolution, we are passé, in fact doomed like dinosaurs. What does this have to do with you? It is you, the individual, who is the vehicle of evolution. Unless you take the next step in your own life, growing in consciousness and psychic powers, you fail to lend your strength to our better future.

Psychic powers are not incidental to our evolutionary advancement; rather they are essential to the process. Undertaking their conscious development accelerates personal growth at a most critical time in world history.

Astral Projection is a vital contribution to this acceleration and to our ability to meet the challenges of this moment. Astral experiences ignite psychic development and the expansion of consciousness necessary for new knowledge and understanding of the cosmic adventure that is our origin and our destiny. The experience of astral consciousness is the “next step” necessary to move forward, to make the transition into the real New Age that will be a reality for those willing to commit themselves to becoming more than they are.

See also:  Next Step
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