Enochian Deities and Hierarchies
Enochian Magick denies the existence of a personal, absolute Deity, or God. Instead, the Enochian view of God agrees with the Buddhist teaching of a plurality of deities, with none supreme. The word supreme implies an end beyond which we cannot go; Enochian Physics accepts no such limitations. Existence is infinite and unbounded. There are no limits to it, and therefore there can be no supreme being. However, there are intelligent rulers of each world, each planet, each sun, and so on. Enochian Magick establishes the rulers for each of the four Watchtowers as follows:
These names are called the Holy Names of God, where "God" is the ruler of our universe (supreme in a relative sense only). In Enochian Magick, a god is only supreme with reference to a Universe or World. Other gods are supreme in other Worlds and Universes. This is a result of the Law of Hierarchies, which states that from the highest realms of spirit to the lowest levels of matter, everything in between is composed of a host of Gods, Monads or life-atoms, arranged in a myriad of hierarchies.
According to the Enochian Monad Model, every entity or "divine spark" enters the Cosmic Planes of Manifestation as an unselfconscious life-atom. Life-atoms slowly evolve into self-conscious Monads, and these slowly evolve into Gods as they undergo karmic evolution on the cosmic planes. Therefore the only real difference between a life-atom, a human being and a god is evolution in time. The monadic essence of each is identical. A life-atom can be defined as an immature God. A God can be defined as a highly-evolved life-atom. The chief of a hierarchy is called the Hierarch. We are the Hierarch of our body if we consider our body to be a hierarchy of cells and organs. Enochian Magick views each Watchtower as a hierarchy. The Hierarch of each Watchtower is called a King. The four Enochian Kings are BATAIVAH - Air; RAAGIOSL - Water; IKZHIKAL - Earth; and EDLPRNAA - Fire.
Each Watchtower is divided into six subhierarchies. The Hierarch of each of these is called a Senior. Each Watchtower is also divided into four subquadrants, whose Hierarchs are called Archangels. These are further divided up into smaller hierarchies, whose rulers are called Angels. In this way, the entire universe, visible and invisible, is teeming with beings in varying states of self-consciousness.
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