1. Your previous books (Kitchen Table Tarot and Tarot Elements) both focused on tarot. What inspired you to write your latest book, Kitchen Table Magic?
I've been using magic since I was a little girl, and it seemed the next logical step. Just as tarot can be accessed by anyone, so can magic. I wanted to write a book that got around the gatekeeping that can often stand around magic. Anyone can use magic, and it's important that they feel comfortable with it.
2. What topics are explored in Kitchen Table Magic?
I talk about what magic is. How it comes from inside of us and that you don't have to spend a bunch of money to get the tools to do magic. I talk about protection of home and self. What you can do when you're angry. How to hold yourself to the same self-care standards that you would hold your friends.
3. Do readers need any previous experience to use the information in the book?
Not at all. I wrote this for 9-year-old me who was making potions in the woods and wondering what else was out there for me.
4. What all is needed to work the magic in the book?
Just a passion to learn. This is definitely for beginner witches, and has tips to make magic a personal, affordable, and powerful tool for anyone.
5. What do you hope readers take away from Kitchen Table Magic?
I hope that they feel empowered and that they have a solid grounding in practicing magic, their way.